A minor variance application has been applied for to permit a deficient lot area on two separate parcels of land located at 7226 and 7262 Concession 3 Road. This variance is required to fulfil a condition of consent (boundary adjustment application B06/2023WL) which was approved by the Committed of Adjustment on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023. The boundary adjustment added 0.21 hectares (0.53 acres) of land from 7226 Concession 3 Road to 7262 Concession 3 Road.
The Minor Variance will permit 7262 Concession 3 Road to have a lot size of 1.53 acres (0.62 hectares), whereas Table 12 in Part 5 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw 2017-70, as amended, identifies 40 hectares as the minimum lot area requirement in an Agricultural ‘A’ zone. The abutting farmland, being 7226 Concession 3 Road will also be deficient of the zoning requirement for 40 hectares, with a lot size of approximately 47.8 acres (19.3 hectares).