Township Administration Building
318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario

NOTE TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: All Cell Phones, Pagers and/or PDAs to be turned off. Members of the public who are attending and participating virtually are reminded to keep their microphones muted until they are acknowledged to speak. Additionally, for your information, please be advised that this meeting will be livestreamed as well as recorded and will be available on the Township's website.

Prior to commencing with the Growth and Sustainability meeting agenda, Chair Chechalk will provide the following announcements:

  1. Comments can be made from members of the public for a matter that is on the agenda by advising the Chair during the "Request to Address an Item on the Agenda" Section of the agenda.
  2. The public may submit written comments for matters that are on the agenda to before 4:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting for consideration by the Committee. Comments received after 4:30 p.m. on the day of the Committee meeting will be considered at the following Council meeting. Comments submitted are included in the record.
  3. This meeting will be livestreamed as well as recorded and available on the Township’s website. 

The Township of West Lincoln, being part of Niagara Region is situated on treaty land. This land is steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the Hatiwendaronk, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. There are many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit from across Turtle Island that live and work in Niagara today. The Township of West Lincoln, as part of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, stands with all Indigenous people, past and present, in promoting the wise stewardship of the lands on which we live.

An applications for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision has been submitted by NPG Planning Solutions Inc. on behalf of the property owner, Kainthville Holdings Inc., to rezone a 7.68 hectare (19.98 acres) of land in the Township of West Lincoln.

There are no Appointments.

NOTE:  Section 10.13 (5) & (6) – General Rules
One (1) hour in total shall be allocated for this section of the agenda and each individual person shall only be provided with five (5) minutes to address their issue (some exceptions apply).  A response may not be provided and the matter may be referred to staff.  A person who wishes to discuss a planning application or a matter that can be appealed, will be permitted to speak for ten (10) minutes.

Chair to inquire if there are any members of the public present who wish to address any items on the Planning/Building/Environmental Committee agenda.

All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial and can be approved by one resolution. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests it, in which case the item will be removed from the consent resolution and considered immediately following adoption of the remaining consent agenda items. 

There are no Consent Agenda Items

There are no Communications.

CBO (Ben Agro) & Director of Growth and Sustainability (Gerrit Boerema)
Re:  Information Report BLDG-02-2025 - Changes to the Ontario Building Code 2024

    1. That, Information Report BLDG-02-2025, titled “Changes to the Ontario Building Code 2024” dated February 10, 2025 be received for information.

Director of Growth and Sustainability (Gerrit Boerema)
Re: Recommendation Report PD-03-2025 – Application for Temporary Use Extension 9127 Regional Road 20

    1. That, Recommendation Report PD-03-2025, title “Application for Temporary Use, 9127 Regional Road 20” dated February 10, 2025, be received; and,
    2. That, application for Temporary Use Extension File No. 1601-10-23, submitted by Mr. Larry Pomerantz for an extension to temporary use Bylaw A(T-13) for three years be denied; and,
    3. That, Committee and Council permit an extension of Temporary Use Bylaw A(T-13) for a period of 4 months, expiring on June 24, 2025, as found in the attached bylaw (Schedule D), which prohibits the storage of any additional barrels and to allow for the orderly removal of the barrels and restoration of the property; and,
    4. That, the applicant provides a site plan showing the location of the stored buildings and provides adequate fire routes to the satisfaction of the Township Fire Department.

Director of Growth and Sustainability (Gerrit Boerema) & Senior Planner (Madyson Etzl)
Re: Recommendation Report PD-07-2025- Application for Zoning By-law Amendment – 7793 Young Street (File No. 1601-013-24) 

    1. That, Recommendation Report PD-07-2025, titled “Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment- 7793 Young Street” (File No. 1601-013-24) dated February 10, 2025, be received; and,
    2. That, the application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 7793 Young Street, be approved in accordance with the attached Zoning By-law Amendment.


Senior Planner (Susan Smyth) & Director of Growth and Sustainability (Gerrit Boerema)
Re:  Information Report PD-05-2025 - Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No. 1601-003-23) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application (File No. 2000-92-24) submitted by Kainthville Holdings Inc.

Senior Planner (Susan Smyth) & Director of Growth and Sustainability (Gerrit Boerema)
Re: Recommendation Report PD-04-2025- Backyard Chickens – Zoning By-law Amendment and Amendments to the Animal Care & Control Bylaw (File No. 1601-002-24)

    1. That, Recommendation Report PD-04-2025, titled “Backyard Chickens – Zoning By-law Amendment and Amendments to the Animal Care and Control Bylaw (File No. 1601-002-24)” dated February 10, 2025, be received; and,
    2. That, Council APPROVE the amending by-law to Zoning By-law 2017-70, as found in Schedule D, that permits backyard chickens within residential zones in Hamlet Settlement areas and in the Agricultural area, subject to the prescribed regulations; and,
    3. That, Council APPROVE the amendments to the Animal Care and Control By-law 2023-54, as found in Schedule B; and,
    4. That, Council Authorize the CAO to enter into an amending agreement with the Niagara SPCA to additionally cover the enforcement of the amended Animal Care and Control By-law.

Director of Growth and Sustainability (Gerrit Boerema)
Re: Recommendation Report PD-06-2025- Interim Control Fulton Rural Employment Land Use Study

    1. That, Recommendation Report PD-06-2025, titled “Interim Control By-law Fulton Rural Employment Land Use Study” dated February 10, 2025, be received; and,
    2. That, Council pass the interim control by-law as attached to this report.

Members of Committee
Re: Other Business Matters of an Informative Nature

NOTE: Only for items that require immediate attention/direction and must first approve a motion to introduce a new item of business (Motion Required).

There are no Confidential Matters.

The Chair to declare the meeting adjourned at the hour of _______.

No Item Selected