1. That, Recommendation Report PD-49-2024, titled “Extension of Draft Plan
Approval for Smithville West – Dunloe Subdivision (File No. 2000-87-18) and Thrive
Subdivision (File No. 2000-90-20) (Marz Homes Inc.)”, dated October 15, 2024 be
received; and,
2. That, the Draft Plan Approval for Smithville West – Dunloe Subdivision (Lot 7, Plan
M98) be extended for a period of two years to expire on December 17, 2026 subject
to conditions included in Schedule C to this report; and,
3. That, the Draft Plan Approval for Thrive Subdivision (Lot 9 of Plan M98 & Part 1 of
Plan 30R15792) be extended for a period of two years to expire on November 25,
2026 subject to conditions included in Schedule D to this report; and,
4. That, Council deem the changes to the conditions of approval found in Schedules C
and D to be minor; and,
5. That, notices of decision be circulated to relevant agencies and departments for both applications.