Township Administration Building
318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario



The Chair will call to Order the evening's proceedings.

A consent application has been applied for to permit a severance within the Hamlet Settlement Area of Wellandport. The land being severed with the dwelling and accessory building (Part 1 on the attached sketch) is proposed to be 1 acre (4,047 square metres) in size, and Part 2 is proposed to be 1.80 acres (7,299 metres squared) in size, following the severance.

A Minor Variance Application has been applied for in conjunction with this consent application (A18/2024WL) which is requesting relief from the Townships Zoning Bylaw for both Part 1 and Part 2.

A consent application for a minor boundary adjustment has been applied by Fernick Investments Inc. to sever off ±2,378.5 square metres of land, referenced as Parcel 1 on the survey sketch from 131 St. Catharines Street, referenced as Parcel 2, being the retained parcel.

The proposed severed lands will be consolidated with the abutting lands to the rear known as 132 College Street for a future residential development.

A consent application for a minor boundary adjustment and partial discharge of mortgage has been applied by Mr. and Mrs. Han who reside at 141 Mill Street referenced as Parcel 1 and 2 on the survey sketch. This proposal is to sever ±735.7 square metres of land referenced as Parcel 2 and consolidate with 135 Mill Street referenced as Parcel 3, which is the adjoining parcel to the west.

The purpose of the boundary adjustment is to allow for the continued long term maintenance of the natural heritage features and floodplain along Twenty Mile Creek by the owners of 135 Mill Street. The partial discharge of mortgage is required for the proposed lands to be severed (Parcel 2) prior to the benefitting lands (Parcel 3) merging the lands. Site alteration and development is prohibited on Parcel 2.

A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit the construction of a new single detached dwelling with the proposed attached private garage projecting 5.79 metres closer to the front lot line than the main wall, whereas, Part 3.12.7 Private Garages of the Township’s Zoning By-Law identifies the maximum projection for an attached private garage as 1.5 metres closer to the front lot line than the main front wall of the dwelling on the same lot.

The private garage would have a front yard setback of 10.7 metres, whereas the main front wall of the dwelling would have a front yard setback of 15.5 metres.

A Minor Variance application has been applied for in conjunction with consent application B05/2024WL to permit a severance which will create two new parcels. Part 1 is proposed to be 4,047 metres squared and Part 2 is proposed to be 7,299 metres squared.

Relief is being requested for the existing dwelling on Part 1 to have a front yard setback of 4.5. metres whereas 7.5 metres is the required minimum setback in Table 14 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw 2017-70. Relief is also being requested for the existing accessory garage to allow an interior side yard setback of 1.1 metres whereas 1.2 metres is required.

Relief is also being requested for Part 2 which will require a Minor Variance to the required lot frontage for a lot within a Residential Low Density Zone (R1A), the proposed lot frontage is 12.88 metres where 45 metres is required in Table 14 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw.

That, this Committee does now adjourn at the hour of _______ pm