A Minor Variance application has been applied for in conjunction with consent application B05/2024WL to permit a severance which will create two new parcels. Part 1 is proposed to be 4,047 metres squared and Part 2 is proposed to be 7,299 metres squared.
Relief is being requested for the existing dwelling on Part 1 to have a front yard setback of 4.5. metres whereas 7.5 metres is the required minimum setback in Table 14 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw 2017-70. Relief is also being requested for the existing accessory garage to allow an interior side yard setback of 1.1 metres whereas 1.2 metres is required.
Relief is also being requested for Part 2 which will require a Minor Variance to the required lot frontage for a lot within a Residential Low Density Zone (R1A), the proposed lot frontage is 12.88 metres where 45 metres is required in Table 14 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw.