Township Administration Building
318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario



The Chair will call to Order the evening's proceedings.

A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit a proposed accessory building (40.88 square metres) to be located closer to the exterior side lot line than the main dwelling. The accessory building is proposed to be located within the required exterior side yard with a setback of 1 metre, whereas the existing dwelling has an exterior setback of 2 metres.  

A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit the construction of a new single detached dwelling on the property with an attached private garage requiring two variances from the Township’s Zoning By-Law. Relief is required to allow a proposed garage width of 12.2 metres whereas, Part 3.12.7(h) Private Garages of the Township’s Zoning By-Law identifies the maximum garage width permitted for an attached private garage as 50% of the total width of the dwelling or 9.2 metres, whichever is less.

Additionally, relief is also being requested to allow a garage door height of 4.6 metres whereas, Part 3.12.7(g) Private Garages of the Township’s Zoning By-Law identifies 2.6 metres as the maximum height permitted for a garage door to an attached private garage. 

A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit a proposed detached private garage (9.14 metres by 15.24 metres) on the subject property. Relief is being requested from Table 1-1 (found in Part 3 of the Township’s Zoning By-Law 2017-70, as amended) which identifies 50 metres as the maximum distance permitted for an accessory building or structure from a main building within an Agricultural ‘A’ zone. The proposed storage building (139.3 square metres) would be approximately 131.4 metres from the existing dwelling.

The Applicants are proposing to construct a new single detached dwelling on the property in the near future and will be demolishing the existing residence on the lot. Once construction of the single detached dwelling is completed, the proposed storage building will be slightly closer to the front lot than the main front wall of the dwelling. Therefore, relief is also being requested from Table 1-1 (Part 3) to permit the proposed storage building approximately 9.14 metres closer to the front lot line than the main building, being the future single detached dwelling. 

A Consent application has been applied for to permit a surplus farm dwelling severance for the lands located at 1985 Hodgkins Road. The land being severed with the dwelling is proposed to be 0.613 hectares (1.51 acres) shown as Parcel 1 on the attached sketch and Parcel 2, being the remnant farmland will be approximately 21.1 hectares (52.14 acres) following the severance.

If approved, a condition will be required that the severed holding be zoned to Rural Residential and the remnant farmland be zoned to Agricultural Purposes Only (APO), restricting any future residential use or merging the lands onto an abutting property.

That, this Committee does now adjourn at the hour of _______ pm