Township Administration Building
318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario

NOTE TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: All Cell Phones, Pagers and/or PDAs to be turned off. Members of the public who are attending and participating virtually are reminded to keep their microphones muted until they are acknowledged to speak. Additionally, for your information, please be advised that this meeting will be livestreamed as well as recorded and will be available on the Township's website.

Prior to commencing with the All Committees (Including Public Meetings) meeting agenda, the Mayor will note the following:

  1. Comments from the public for a matter that on the agenda may be
    provided in person by attending the meeting and advising the Chair
    during the "Request to Address an Item on the Agenda" Section of the
  2. For those individuals that are unable to attend the meeting in person,
    you may submit comments for matters that are on the agenda by either:
    1. emailing before 4:30 pm. on the day of
      the meeting. Comments submitted will be considered as public
      information and be part of the public record; OR,
    2. by contacting the Clerk's Department to request a Zoom Link to
      attend the meeting virtually.
  3. Tonight's Council Meeting will be livestreamed as well as recorded and
    available on the Township’s website

The Township of West Lincoln, being part of Niagara Region is situated on treaty land. This land is steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the Hatiwendaronk, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. There are many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit from across Turtle Island that live and work in Niagara today. The Township of West Lincoln, as part of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, stands with all Indigenous people, past and present, in promoting the wise stewardship of the lands on which we live.

 An application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment has been made to rezone the property legally described as Concession 5, Part Lot 9, 30R3189 PARTS; 5, 6 & 7, in the former Township of Gainsborough now in the Township of West Lincoln, Regional Municipality of Niagara, municipally known as 1985 Hodgkins Road.
File No.1601-012-24

There are no appointments.

NOTE: Procedural By-law Section 10.13(5) – General Rules
One (1) hour in total shall be allocated for this section of the agenda and each individual person shall only be provided with five (5) minutes to address their issue (some exceptions apply).  A response may not be provided and the matter may be referred to staff.

NOTE:  All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial and can be approved by one resolution.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests it, in which case the item will be removed from the consent resolution and considered immediately following adoption of the remaining consent agenda items.

There are no Consent Agenda Items

Re:  A reliable Niagara Region Transit Expansion of Localized Transit Services into the Township of West Lincoln


    WHEREAS The Township of West Lincoln has secured a recent urban boundary expansion;

    The Township of West Lincoln is expecting unprecedented growth;

    the population of The Township of West Lincoln is approximately 16,500, and is expected to grow to over 39,000 by 2051;

    the largest portion of that growth will be in Urban Centre of Smithville;

    WHEREAS The Township of West Lincoln is the largest municipality by geographic area in the Niagara Region;

    WHEREAS it was agreed upon by local area municipalities and the Regional Municipality of Niagara, through the Triple Majority process in the establishment of the Niagara Transit Commission and in the adoption of the Niagara Service Standards Strategy, that Niagara Transit would plan for and work towards all local municipalities receiving transit services fairly and equitably;

    there is a growing demand from West Lincoln residents for local transit services;

    WHEREAS The Township of West Lincoln’s growing commercial, industrial, and agricultural industries offer stable and reliable employment opportunities at competitive wages where a reliable and routinely planned transit system could connect job seekers from all across The Region of Niagara.

    Small businesses located in West Lincoln including but not limited to; restaurants, shopping centres, leisure & recreation industries, and specialized professional services being the core of every developing community would benefit from a reliable and routinely planned local transit system;

    Niagara Region & the Province of Ontario are the economical drivers in our community and they rely on transit to commute;

    many of the residents who are moving to West Lincoln are accustomed to utilizing local transit;


    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED The Township of West Lincoln Council requests that the Niagara Transit Board provide, through the 2025 Transit Master Plan process, a local transit plan for West Lincoln that includes:

    • A plan for local transit for West Lincoln which includes commingled specialty services and/or the addition of networked conventional service based on warrant, demand and ridership; and
    • Notice of any corresponding increase in service hours and the cost for the local municipality through the budget process when and if additional local services are planned; and
    • A timeline for the introduction of any local service enhancement; and
    • That a copy of the final 2025 Transit Master Plan be brought by Niagara Transit staff to a future local council or committee meeting

Re:  Recommendation Report PD-56-2024 - Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 1985 Hodgkins Road

    1. That, Recommendation Report PD-56-2024, titled “Recommendation Report- Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment- 1985 Hodgkins Road (File No. 1601-011-24)”, dated December 9th 2024, be received; and,
    2. That, the application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 1985 Hodgkins Road, be approved in accordance with the attached Zoning By-law Amendment; and
    3. That, no further Public Meeting is required for the consideration of this By-law in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act.

Re:  Update Recommendation Report PD45-2024 - Service Level Agreement (SLA) Further Research

    1. That, Recommendation Report PD-45-2024, titled “ Service Level Agreement (SLA) Further Research”, dated December 9, 2024 be received; and,
    2. That, Council supports the signing of an agreement with the Niagara Regional to assist with the provision of limited professional planning services for not more than two years after the date of proclamation (March 31, 2025); and,
    3. That, the CAO be authorized to sign the two year (maximum) agreement on behalf of the Township following the date of provincial proclamation of the Region no longer being a planning approval authority, with a one-year notice period to leave the agreement; and,
    4. That, Council directs Administration to develop and recommend to Council a service delivery model to support local delivery of planning services currently supported by Region of Niagara, by the end of 2025.

Re:  Recommendation Report PD-57-2024 - Recommendation Report – Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 5357 and 5377 Elcho Road

    1. That Recommendation Report PD-57-2024, titled “Recommendation Report – Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 5357 and 5377 Elcho Road, (File No. 1601-011-24)” dated December 9th 2024, be received; and,
    2. That, no further public meeting is required for the consideration of this by-law in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act; and,
    3. That, the application for Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by Upper Canada Consultants be approved in accordance with the attached Zoning By-law Amendment with the site-specific regulations, and that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the necessary by-laws.

Re:  Recommendation Report C-06-2024 - Delegated Authority By-law

    1. That, Recommendation Report C-06-2024, titled “Delegated Authority By-law” dated December 9, 2024 be received; and,
    2. That, a By-law such as the draft By-law attached as Schedule “A” to this report be approved.

Re:  Recommendation Report T-25-2024 - Consolidated User Fees and Charges By-Law and 2025 User Fees and Charges

    1. That, Recommendation Report T-25-2024, titled “Consolidated User Fees and Charges By-Law and 2025 User Fees and Charges”, dated December 9, 2024, be received; and,
    2. That, Schedule “A”, attached to this Report, outlining the Consolidated Schedule of Fees and Charges, be approved with an effective date of January 1, 2025 (unless otherwise indicated); and,
    3. That, Schedule “B”, outlining the Consolidated User Fees and Charges By-Law 2024-82, be approved, with an effective date of January 1, 2025.

Re:  Information Report WLFD-15-2024 - Monthly Update – November 2024


    That, Information Report WLFD-15-2024 titled “Monthly Update – November 2024”

    dated December 9th , 2024, be received for information.

Re: Recommendation Report PW-29-2024 - Concession 3 Road – Land Transfer Declaration as a Public Highway

    1. That, Recommendation Report PW-29-2024 titled, “Concession 3 Road – Land Transfer Declaration as a Public Highway”, dated December 9, 2024, be received; and
    2. That, a By-law be passed to declare Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Reference Plan No. 30R-16266 on Concession 3 Road as Public Highway.

Re:  Recommendation Report PW-30-2024 - CLI-ECA Update – Operations and Maintenance Manuals Budget Amendment and Delegation of Authority

    1. That, Recommendation Report PW-30-2024, titled “CLI-ECA Update – Operations and Maintenance Manuals Budget Amendment and Delegation of Authority”, dated December 9th, 2024 be received; and,
    2. That, Budget Amendment BA2024-13 for an amount of $60,000, funded through the Capital Reserve in the amount of $30,000 and the Sewer Reserve in the amount of $30,000, be approved by Council; and,
    3. That, Council delegates authority to Administration to sign future CLI-ECA applications.

Re:  Information Report PW-25-2024 - 2024 Capital Project Completion Update

    1. That, Information Report PW-25-2024 titled “2024 Capital Project Completion Update”, dated December 9, 2024, be received for information.

There are no confidential matters.

No Item Selected