Township Administration Building
318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario

NOTE TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: All Cell Phones, Pagers and/or PDAs to be turned off. Members of the public who are attending and participating virtually are reminded to keep their microphones muted until they are acknowledged to speak. Additionally, for your information, please be advised that this meeting will be livestreamed as well as recorded and will be available on the Township's website.

The Township of West Lincoln, being part of Niagara Region is situated on treaty land. This land is steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the Hatiwendaronk, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. There are many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit from across Turtle Island that live and work in Niagara today. The Township of West Lincoln, as part of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, stands with all Indigenous people, past and present, in promoting the wise stewardship of the lands on which we live.

NOTE: Requests to address items on the agenda are restricted to specific items as follows per Section 6.7 of the Procedural By-law:
6.7 Public Comment at Council:
There shall be no comments from the public permitted at Council unless:
(a) a specific appointment has been scheduled; or,
(b) an item is included under the “Other Business” or “Communications” or “Appointments” section of the agenda and relates to a matter which would normally be dealt with at Committee.

Chair to inquire if there are any members of the public present who wish to address a specific item on the agenda as permitted by Section 6.7 of the Procedural By-law.

There are no appointments/presentations.

There are no Communications.

There are no items of other business.

NOTE: Only for items that require immediate attention/direction from Council and must first approve a motion to introduce a new item of business.

There are no confidential matters.


  • Moved ByCouncillor Joann Chechalk
    1. That leave be granted to introduce By-Laws 2025-04, 2025-05, and 2025-06 and that the same shall be considered to have been read a first, second, and third time with one reading, and are hereby adopted; and,
    2. That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and affix the Corporate Seal thereto, any rule of this Council to the contrary notwithstanding.

A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 2017-70, as amended, of the Township of West Lincoln. 

An Interim Control By-law under section 38 of the planning act, r.s.o. 1990, c. p.13, as amended, regarding the use of lands, buildings and structures within the Hamlet of Fulton.

A By-Law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by Council resolution. 

The Mayor to declare this meeting adjourned at the hour of __________.