Township Administration Building
318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario



The Chair will call to Order the evening's proceedings.

There are no requests at this time. 

Property Address: 5627 Canborough Road

A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit the construction of a front unenclosed porch on the existing dwelling which has an existing front yard setback of 6 metres. This application is seeking relief from Table 2 found in Part 3.3 Allowable Projections into Required
Yards and Table 14 in Part 6 Residential Zones (minimum front yard) of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw 2017-70, to allow a covered porch within a required yard with a setback of 3.98 metres from the front property line.

Property Address: 2599 South Grimsby Road 16

A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit a prefabricated Quonset hut with a size of 167 square metres on the subject property. The proposed accessory building falls under a Type 3 accessory building in the Township’s Zoning By-law 2017-70, as amended. Type 3 accessory buildings (greater than 120 square metres) are only permitted on lots with a minimum lot area of 0.5 hectares or greater, in accordance with lot coverage.

The subject lands are exactly 0.4 hectares (1 acre) in size and would only be permitted to have an accessory building up to 120 square metres as identified by Table 1-1 found in Part 3 of the Township’s Zoning By-law 2017-70, as amended.

In addition, Table 1-1 identifies the total lot coverage for all accessory buildings and structures on the lot (0.4 hectares or less) to be 200 square metres. With the proposed Quonset hut, the lot coverage for all accessory buildings on the subject lands would total 209.9 square metres.

Property Address: 8697 Highway 20

A Minor Variance application has been applied for relief of Section 3.10.2 Compliance with Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) to allow the construction of an 81 metres by 19.5 metres new poultry barn. The calculated MDS reflects decommissioning the existing laying hen barn and
manure storage facilities on the property. The proposed new manure storage building (24.4 metres by 15.24 metres) will meet the MDS requirements.

An MDS II setback of 229 metres is required to neighbouring residential uses. The variance application is requesting a reduction of 50 metres or 21.8% in the MDS II setback to the nearest residences at 8685 Regional Road 20. The MDS II setback also needs to be reduced for 8751 and 8673 Regional Road 20.

Property Address: 2931 South Grimsby Road 19

A Consent application has been applied to sever Part 1, being 4,047 square metres (0.4 hectares/1acre). Part 1 (severed lands) is being proposed as a 1- acre commercial lot with the existing single detached dwelling and accessory building.

Following the severance, Part 2, the retained lands would be 33,506 square metres (3.35 hectares/8.28 acres) as shown on the attached sketch with the existing one storey commercial building. Part 2 (retained lands) is proposed to maintain the existing split zoning, being approximately 30,066 square metres (2.95 hectares/ 7.28 acres) zoned as Agricultural ‘A’ and 3,439.83 square metres (0.34 hectares/0.85 acres) of the remaining Service Commercial ‘C3’ zoning.

That, this Committee does now adjourn at the hour of _______ pm

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