Property Address: 2599 South Grimsby Road 16
A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit a prefabricated Quonset hut with a size of 167 square metres on the subject property. The proposed accessory building falls under a Type 3 accessory building in the Township’s Zoning By-law 2017-70, as amended. Type 3 accessory buildings (greater than 120 square metres) are only permitted on lots with a minimum lot area of 0.5 hectares or greater, in accordance with lot coverage.
The subject lands are exactly 0.4 hectares (1 acre) in size and would only be permitted to have an accessory building up to 120 square metres as identified by Table 1-1 found in Part 3 of the Township’s Zoning By-law 2017-70, as amended.
In addition, Table 1-1 identifies the total lot coverage for all accessory buildings and structures on the lot (0.4 hectares or less) to be 200 square metres. With the proposed Quonset hut, the lot coverage for all accessory buildings on the subject lands would total 209.9 square metres.