TOWNSHIP OF WEST LINCOLNADMINISTRATION/FINANCE/FIRE COMMITTEEAGENDAMEETING NO. THREEMonday, April 15, 2024, To commence following the Administration/Finance/Fire Committee MeetingTownship Administration Building 318 Canborough Street, Smithville, OntarioNOTE TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: All Cell Phones, Pagers and/or PDAs to be turned off. Members of the public who are attending and participating virtually are reminded to keep their microphones muted until they are acknowledged to speak. Additionally, for your information, please be advised that this meeting will be livestreamed as well as recorded and will be available on the Township's website.1.CHAIR - Councillor Jason Trombetta Prior to commencing with the Administration/Finance/Fire Committee meeting agenda, Chair Trombetta will note the following: Comments can be made from members of the public for a matter that is on the agenda by advising the Chair during the "Request to Address an Item on the Agenda" Section of the agenda. The public may submit written comments for matters that are on the agenda to before 4:30 pm. on the day of the meeting for consideration by the Committee. Comments received after 4:30 p.m. on the day of the Committee meeting will be considered at the following Council meeting. Comments submitted are included in the record. This meeting will be livestreamed as well as recorded and available on the Township’s website. 2.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT The Township of West Lincoln, being part of Niagara Region is situated on treaty land. This land is steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the Hatiwendaronk (Hat-i-wen-DA-ronk), the Haudenosaunee (Hoe-den-no-SHOW-nee), and the Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-ih-NAH-bey), including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. There are many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people from across Turtle Island that live and work in Niagara today. The Township of West Lincoln, as part of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, stands with all Indigenous people, past and present, in promoting the wise stewardship of the lands on which we live.3.CHANGE IN ORDER OF ITEMS ON AGENDA 4.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND/OR CONFLICT OF INTEREST 5.APPOINTMENTS 5.1ITEM A12-24 1.2023 West Lincoln APR_FINAL.pdfCarlos Alvarez, KPMGRe: Presentation - Audit Service PlanPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION 6.REQUEST TO ADDRESS ITEMS ON THE AGENDA NOTE: Procedural By-law Section 10.13(5) – General RulesOne (1) hour in total shall be allocated for this section of the agenda and each individual person shall only be provided with five (5) minutes to address their issue (some exceptions apply). A response may not be provided and the matter may be referred to staff. Chair to inquire if there are any members of the public present who wish to address any items on the Administration/Finance/Fire Committee agenda.7.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS NOTE: All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial and can be approved by one resolution. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests it, in which case the item will be removed from the consent resolution and considered immediately following adoption of the remaining consent agenda items.7.1ITEM A13-24 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMSRECOMMENDATION:That the Administration/Finance/Fire Committee hereby approves the following Consent Agenda Items: Items 1, 2 and 3 be and are hereby received for information. 1.Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC) - Minutes of March 6, 2024 1.March 6 MYAC.pdf2.West Lincoln Age Friendly Advisory Committee - Minutes of March 8, 2024. 1.March 8 - Age Friendly Minutes.pdf3.Information Report WLFD-05-2024 - Monthly Update March 2024 1.WLFD - March Monthly Update 2024.pdf8.COMMUNICATIONS There are no communications.9.STAFF REPORTS 9.1ITEM A14-24 1.2024 Community Sponsorships and Cemetery and Hall Board Grants.pdf2.T-07-2024 SCHEDULE A - POL-C-02-02.pdfActing Director of Finance (Katelyn Repovs)Re: Recommendation Report T-07-2024 - “2024 Community Sponsorships and Cemetery and Hall Board Grants”RECOMMENDATION:That report T-07-2024 titled “2024 Community Sponsorships and Cemetery and Hall Board Grants”, dated April 15, 2024 be received; andThat the Community Sponsorships and the Cemetery and Hall Board grants for 2024 as recommended in report T-07-2024 titled “2024 Community Sponsorships and Cemetery and Hall Board Grants”, dated April 15, 2024, be approved.9.2ITEM A15-24 1.T-08-2024 - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Budget Amendment Recommendation Report.pdfManager of Planning (Gerrit Boerema) and Acting Director of Finance (Katelyn Repovs)Re: Recommendation Report T-08-2024 - “Parks and Recreation Master Plan RFP Award and Budget Amendment”RECOMMENDATION:That report T-08-2024 titled “Parks and Recreation Master Plan RFP Award and Budget Amendment”, dated April 15, 2024, be received; That budget amendment BA2024-01 in the amount of $30,000, funded through Development Charges and the Planning Reserve be approved; and,That McQueen Galloway Associates be retained to complete the Parks and Recreation Master Plan as outlined in RFP 2024-PD-01. 10.OTHER BUSINESS 10.1ITEM A16-24 Members of CommitteeRe: Verbal Updates from Members of Boards and Committees - If required10.2ITEM A17-24 Members of CouncilRe: Other Business Items of an Informative Nature11.NEW BUSINESS NOTE: Only for items that require immediate attention/direction and must first approve a motion to introduce a new item of business. (Motion Required)12.CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS There are no confidential matters.13.ADJOURNMENT The Chair declared the meeting adjourned at the hour of [time]No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024 Community Sponsorships and Cemetery and Hall Board Grants.pdf2.T-07-2024 SCHEDULE A - POL-C-02-02.pdf1.March 6 MYAC.pdf1.March 8 - Age Friendly Minutes.pdf1.T-08-2024 - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Budget Amendment Recommendation Report.pdf1.WLFD - March Monthly Update 2024.pdf1.2023 West Lincoln APR_FINAL.pdf