Township Administration Building
318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario



The Chair will call to Order the evening's proceedings.

There are no requests for withdrawals and/or adjournments at this time. 

Property Address: 2477 St Anns Road

A Minor Variance application has been applied for to permit the construction of a private garage (111 square metres) in the front yard. The existing detached garage is proposed to be converted to an Accessory Dwelling Unit (83 square metres)

The applicants are seeking relief from Table 1-2 (found in Part 3) in the Townships Zoning By-law 2017- 70 as amended, to allow the proposed garage to be located within the front yard and closer to the front lot line than the main building at a setback of 14.5 metres whereas the existing dwelling is setback 28.4 metres. Relief is also being requested to permit a maximum lot coverage for accessory buildings and structures of 207 square metres whereas 200 square metres is the permitted maximum.

Property Address: 9371 Silver Street

A Minor Variance has been submitted permit a 28 square metre food truck to operate off of the subject property which is located in a RM3 Zone (Residential Medium Density) whereas food trucks are not permitted as a permitted use in the Residential Medium Density zone.

This application is also seeking relief from Table 1-2 of the Townships Zoning Bylaw 2017-70 as amended, to permit an interior side yard setback of 0.9 metres whereas 1.2 metres is permitted and to locate the accessory food truck in front of the main building where accessory buildings
shall not be located closer to the front lot line than the main building. The accessory food truck has a front yard setback of 13 metres whereas the existing dwelling has a front yard setback of 16 metres. 

Property Address: 4299 Regional Road 20

This application for minor variance is seeking relief from Table 1-1 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw 2017-70 as amended, to permit an accessory building (OFDU) to be built 89.6 metres from the main dwelling whereas 50 metres is the permitted maximum, and to permit the accessory building to be located in front of the main dwelling at a front yard setback of 302.7 whereas accessory buildings shall be located in line or behind the main dwelling which would be a required setback of 450m from the road.

This application is also requesting relief of provision 3.11c) of the Township’s Zoning By-law 2017-70, as amended to permit an On Farm Diversified Use with an area of 2.7% of the property whereas OFDUs should not exceed the lesser of 1% of the property or 500 square metres.

Relief is also being requested from Section 3.11c) ii of the Townships Zoning By-law to permit an accessory building to be used for an On Farm Diversified Use with a total gross floor area of 600 square metres whereas 500 square metres is the permitted maximum for the OFDU.

There are no minutes for approval at this time. 

That, this Committee does now adjourn at the hour of _______ pm

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